Julie Swan’s Recommended Tools
All the following are products Julie uses and recommends. Some links are affiliate links and Julie may receive a small commission if you purchase.

The Dog Breeder Society
Julie’s Pick for Breeder Education & Support
The Dog Breeder Society is a an educational and support community for honest dog breeders. There is a lack of education, particularly in business surrounding dog breeding as an industry. My goal in creating the society is to give you the tools you need to run a successful dog breeding business that is both profitable and creates a lifestyle you love (finances included!).
Included inside the Society:
- Monthly MasterClass to help move your breeding program forward
- Breeder Copy Hub – a monthly release of social media & email templates
- Breeder Discussion Forums (without the Facebook judgement!)
- Live Group Calls with Julie Swan twice per month

Breeder Copy Hub
Julie’s Pick for Social Media Templates
Breeder Copy Hub is a monthly subscription for social media & email templates, specifically for dog breeders. Our templates are written in a mad-libs style and allow you to adapt them to your breeding program. There are examples and suggestions, as well as suggestions for the visual element used to accompany the post.
Save yourself HOURS of work each month and speak directly to your ideal puppy buyer with Breeder Copy Hub!
Included inside each monthly edition of Breeder Copy Hub:
- 25 Social Media Templates
- 5 Email Templates to Send to Your Email List
- Monthly Quick-Tip to help you get seen
All for the simple monthly price of $29/month OR included FREE as a member of the Dog Breeder Society!

Julie’s Pick for Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
I use HoneyBook to manage my buyers, including:
- Waitlist Management
- Contracts
- Deposits
- Buyer Education & Preparation
We have created two MasterClasses for HoneyBook inside the Dog Breeder Society. If you use my link for HoneyBook, I’ll send you my templates to help you get started. I can even set it up for you, helping you get using it faster and improving your workflow. Click below to learn more and sign up!

Julie’s Pick for Email Marketing (ESP)
I use ConvertKit to capture buyers who are interested in my breeding program, but aren’t yet ready to move forward and buy a puppy. The best part? They have a free version that is more than adequate for dog breeders!
Here are a few ways I use it:
- I collect emails on my website (buyers input their data and are on my list)
- I add buyers who have filled out my puppy application, but don’t respond or aren’t yet ready to move forward.
- I add people who I meet in public and like my dogs. I ask for their first name and email and add them
- I add a link to my contact form in Facebook Posts and in Instagram Stories
Emailing a list of warm leads is a great way to sell puppies. Encourage people to get on the email list and then they’ll contact you when you’re ready to buy! Plus, it’s a whole lot easier writing one email than a whole bunch of emails.
We created a MasterClass inside the Dog Breeder Society teaching you how to set up the free version of ConvertKit as a dog breeder! Get the MasterClass

BigFrame Digital
Julie’s Pick for Website & Domain Hosting
In the beginning of 2024, after being with a big company for 12 years, they deleted all 8 of my websites. All of the backup files were corrupted and after working on it for two weeks, they ghosted me.
After recreating my website and having it crash on other sites, I finally found Bigframe Digital! Their servers are so much faster, they aren’t installing any additional code (which was crashing my sites!). I have full transparency and unparalleled speed. The customer service is phenomenal and my SEO has benefitted.
Here are some benefits:
- More Secure – My sites are less vulnerable and have better loading speeds.
- Pictures Upload FAST – I thought it was my internet causing slow upload speeds, but it wasn’t! It was my hosting service, I have no problems with Bigframe Digital’s speeds, everything is so quick!
- Servers at Capped at 40% Capacity – so you have room to move (popular hosting services are over 99%, crashing them frequently!).
- Customer Service is Top Notch – I can get assistance quickly when I need it AND they understand what I’m asking and how to fix it…even explaining it when I don’t understand.
- Assistance Transferring Domains – The customer service team helped me transfer my domains and get up and running.
- WordPress.org Software Installed – Their customer service pre-installed wordpress for me, allowing me to get building in no time!
- Email Included – Email Service is free and included!
- Price is Very Competitive – I was surprised how much more service I received for a very comparable price.
I could never go back. Ditch the big services and get the hosting service that has YOU in mind, not just their bottom line.
Julie’s Pick for Website building
Divi is one of the most popular website builders in the world. What is often scary about building a website is that you think you’ll have to know coding or html, with DIVI, everything is drag-n-drop. I love it! It was created by Elegant Themes.
It has so many options and yet once you get the hang of it (it’s fast, I promise!) it’s really easy to work with and adapt, giving you so many more options than sites like Wix or SquareSpace.
With WordPress.org (make sure you don’t select WordPress.com!) you can install lots of different plugins to help with SEO, email service, and other ways to organize and manage pages to better assist your buyers.
The best part is that once you purchase the lifetime license (it’s cheaper than most annual builder prices!) you have it for life, with all its upgrades!
I build all my clients’ websites using Divi, when I’m done, I teach them how to use it! If you want to learn more about me building your website click here. If you’re ready to get Divi, click the button below!
Website Layout Packs for Divi, for Dog Breeders, made by Julie, are coming!
Pooch Parenting, Michelle Stern
Julie’s Pick for Helping breeders help buyers with children
Ever feel at your wit’s end trying to help a buyer who has a puppy and small children and they’re struggling to get through the puppy phase? It happens all the time! It is frustrating for breeders when we know the puppy is just doing puppy things, but our buyers can’t seem to find a balance in their home. Enter Michelle Stern.
Michelle offers such a service to puppies, owners, the owners’ children, and now to breeders! Michelle has put together a wonderful affiliate program for breeders to help you work with buyers with small children. She has a video that discusses many of the common struggles and solutions that buyers have with their puppies and children. It is a great video for families to watch prior to getting a puppy and takes some of the pressure off you! Not to mention that you can give your buyers a discount code when you set up as an affiliate with Michelle and you can get a kickback on the sale!
Michelle has also generously put together a great flow chart of questions to ask buyers and how to respond to their answers. The Puppy Placement Primer is a free download off her site.