What is HoneyBooK?
As Breeders…how can we give our buyers the absolute best, so there is no compromise and they are bound for success?
Part of selling yourself as a breeder, beyond the quality of your dogs, is selling your knowledge and support. When buyers feel supported, they are better able to provide and take care of their dog, when that happens the relationship between the dog and the buyer improves and a beautiful bond is formed. The buyer will think the dog is just amazing—and while the dog is amazing—a big part of that success story is that you, the breeder, set the situation up for success.
I remember goin to my dog food manufacturer’s website countless times to take a screenshot of the dog food bag to send to clients or search through my phone to find the picture. I would send them the picture five minutes later, then they would have countless questions: How much do I feed? How many times to I feed? Can I change the flavor, the feed store doesn’t have this one? It took forever, but they earned that care because they bought a dog from me and I want to give them all the information.
Fast forward to using HoneyBook: I have an entire email ready to go, with pictures of the dog food, explanation of where to find it, how much to feed, and all the questions answered, ready at my fingertips. When asked, it’s just two minutes on my phone to send them the perfect email.
They get quality of care and I don’t feel pulled in a million directions.
Hours Saved Per Week
More Deposits Per Month
Misplaced Buyers
Happier Buyers

send contracts digitally
The main reason I found HoneyBook was that I was looking for a way to send digital contracts and collect digital signatures. I hadn’t been great about getting contracts signed in the past, and so it was a hold in my liability that I needed to cover. It was also problematic to have buyers sign the contract at pick up because they didn’t have a good change to read through it, but, worse, signing that late meant that my deposits weren’t covered under the contract. Again, just a bit too messy and inconvenient.
HoneyBook makes this process seamless and simple. I send the contract, they can review it and sign, either with their drawn or typed signature. It’s SO SIMPLE and I cover all my bases before they ever have a dog in their hands.
Send Invoices and Have Payment Timelines
I believe in being fully transparent with your payments: the cost of your dogs, how to get paid, and when you expect payment. Being upfront about cost and being confident in price are one things, but when your price is written all over your website, in your contract, and on your puppy application, you don’t have to explain it, nor feel the need to defend why your prices are what they are. HoneyBook makes this whole process simple.
The timeline of payment is also helpful, allowing you to easily set expectation with buyers and even send them reminders of payments due. It makes the process much easier, they know what to expect, and you aren’t wasting time explaining your payment process.

Track Payments and Even Accept Credit Cards When Necessary
I have many buyers who want to pay with a credit card, which happens more frequently as the price of your pups increases. HoneyBook allows you to collect these payments and get the sale. It’s important that people aren’t overextending themselves, but credit cards are a way of life for many people (I myself use them and continually pay them off, got to get my points!), being able to take payments in this way has been so helpful and brings our programs up with the current times and the way payments work today. If you use Zelle or Venmo like I do, these are fine and you can record your payments separately inside HoneyBook, it’s super easy.
Automated education and Buyer Support Processes
By far, a favorite part of HoneyBook is something that came a lot later for me, setting up automations. I now have a 16-email series of emails that walks buyer through the process of preparation for their puppies. It is dripped to them automatically over a few weeks allowing them to easily read and digest the information. It also gives them time to ask me questions, get sales for items, and feel ready for the puppy instead of overwhelmed. This particular part of HoneyBook has been a complete game changer.
Oh and did I mention I save 4-6 hours per week managing buyers because of this?!

Easy Access on Your Phone
Nearly everything on HoneyBook that you build is accessible on your phone. I have sent contracts and collected deposits from the grocery store, rest stops off the highway, and during the corn maze. It is incredible how simple and easy it is to use from your phone.
Buyers are impressed, I get to quickly convert potential buyers into official deposited waitlist members. My litter fill up quickly and easily, AND I save so much time.
I also love how HoneyBook has a different app sound, so when I hear the HoneyBook chime I know it’s business and not an email, allowing me to get back to buyers easily. They love the prompt and efficient service.
76% of Julie’s Buyers Found the email series the most helpful
In a post-puppy survey, the vast majority of Julie’s buyers respond on their questionnaire (also a HoneyBook feature!) that the email series prior to puppy pick up was the most helpful part of the process in preparing for their puppy.
Listen to the Podcast Episode about how to improve the servie to your buyers using customer relationship management software.
You’ll learn how having a CRM software not only better prepares your buyers for their puppy, but the end result is they feel you are a better breeder and ultimately your dogs are higher quality, merely because the buyer felt prepared.
I manage all my contracts with HoneyBook. Sending a digital contract for digital signature not only saves time, but is easy for buyers, and faster for you to collect signature.
Organize Your Waitlist
Isn’t it annoying trying to remember who wants which puppy from which litter? Who has paid a deposit? Who said to call? Forget that mess, with HoneyBook, it’s a snap!🫰
Collect & Organize Deposits
Deposit management is one of those necessary evils of dog breeding. You have to collect deposits to separate the serious from the tire kickers. HoneyBook makes this process easy! You can collect money through the software or outside of it, recording it either way!
You Look Professional
Buyers are always worried they are buying from the right breeder, what better way to set yourself apart from other breeders than by having a professional system that gently walk your buyers through the puppy buying process? You already have great dogs, now to add a system to match the quality of your pups!
Buyer Feel Supported
Nurturing the relationship with your buyers enables your buyers to provide the best care and support for their dog. You don’t want the good buyers passing you up for lack of support and professionalism. Using HoneyBook helps buyers learn what they need to succeed with their puppy.
Pups Get the Love they Deserve
In the end, all breeders want their dogs to go to great homes where their puppies will be loved and cherished, living the best life. Preparing our buyers is the best way to secure that future for our dogs and HoneyBook is the best way to create that preparation.
“A day doesn’t go by without me being thankful for my HoneyBook setup!
‘Having HoneyBook set up is the best thing I did for myself this year! I had my first two perspective families work through the process! I was able to schedule phone calls, a future meeting with location and send additional resource recommendations all in one place!
‘For someone having so many irons in the fire, ability to do all of this on one platform is beyond convenience! It helps me to serve my puppy buyers in the most professional way without having to jump through hoops and forgetting information.”
Moonrise Poodles

Want Help Setting It Up?
HoneyBook is incredible and dynamic. Once it’s set up you’ll feel like you hired an assistant to help all your buyer management, however, it takes a little bit of planning to get it organized and also to set it up to be most beneficial for you and your breeding business.
I can help you speed up the process.
On-Demand MasterClass
We’ve built an extensive, in-depth masterclass that takes you through the whole process of setting up your HoneyBook. There are video walkthroughs full of tips and tricks on how to build out and use HoneyBook. All on-demand, ready you want them. Get lifetime access.
Strategy & WorkFlow Coaching Package
Sit down with yours truly and together we’ll go through the design and workflow of your HoneyBook setup. This way you’ll know how you’re organizing the process and you’ll know exactly what to build! You’ll also get all my tips and tricks to make it faster and more efficient.
I’ll Build It For You
Sometimes it’s just nice to have someone do it for you. I can build out your HoneyBook and teach you how to use it. We’ll get it done fast and you’ll be out there supporting your buyers and managing your breeding program in the best way, customized to your breeding business.
Interested in having Julie set it up for you?
Sometimes it’s easier to have someone set it up for you, customized for your program. If you’d like to learn more, fill out the application below to get started!