The Dog Breeder Society
What is the dog breeder society?
The Dog Breeder Society is a monthly membership designed for dog breeders who believe in building an honest dog breeding program that also produces a profit. Each month you’ll receive a new Masterclass to help you deep dive into a section of your breeding program. You’ll also get access to the Breeder Copy Hub, which delivers new social media and email templates to your inbox each month. Each month we do two live calls with me, Julie Swan, bring any and all your questions. Best of all, the breeders inside DBS are supportive and caring, they want you to succeed and it’s a safe place for breeders of all ages to ask questions and learn.
The world needs more well-bred dogs and the only consistent source of well-bred dogs is through dog breeders.
But there’s a problem, it takes a lot of time and dedication to produce puppies who live up to the potential that owners-to-be are looking for. Yet, it’s unsustainable to give this time and dedication without some financial reward at the end. You can’t continue to dip into your personal time and finances so other people can benefit from your dogs, there is a better way.
Do you feel like you get all this money when the pups go home, but it’s gone in a few days, and then it feels tight in between litters?
Maybe you are struggling to find the perfect homes, so you play around with different advertising venues, social media, and price, because nothing seems to give you consistent leads for your dogs.
Many breeders struggle to get their program running in a way that consistently produces high quality dogs, raising them well, sending them home with the perfect owners, and then ending up with a profit at the end.
I’ve been there.
I struggled for years.
I didn’t know so many things!
- how do I price my puppies?
- where do I advertise?
- how many dogs should I have?
- what kind of facility do I need?
- what is a proper breeder care plan?
- how do I make a profit?
I slaved over these questions. I researched hundreds of hours. Tried all sorts of techniques with different litters, tried different pens, different advertising, different pricing. It took F-O-R-E-V-E-R, but I finally nailed it all down. Figured out all the techniques, tips, and tricks, and I built a breeding program I’m proud of.
I have great dogs that bring wonderful adventures to their families. The dogs are highly sought after. I never have a problem selling them to great homes.
And best of all, it is my full-time job. I get to give my dogs the best, because that’s what they give me.
Being a full-time breeder has allowed me to be a better mom. I get to spend more time with my kids, and I have a daily schedule that I plan, that I love.
What’s Included?
Monthly MasterClass
Each month we deliver a MasterClass to take your breeding program to the next level. These classes are a deep dive into a specific breeding topic. They’ll give you a thorough understanding of the concept, so you can decide the best way to handle it with your own breeding program. The focus is ALWAYS on understanding and application. We want you to learn why and then apply it to your program.
Breeder Copy Hub
Tired of social media woes? It’s hard to come up with content ALL THE TIME! With BCH, we give you templates each month to use for social media, your email newsletter, and even text messages to save you time talking with buyers. All captions are written in a mad-libs style with examples, fully customizable to your breeding program. Take the pain out of marketing with Breeder Copy Hub.
Live Calls with Julie SwaN
On the first and third Thursday of every month, we offer live calls. These calls are on Zoom and are a great way to not only meet other breeders, but to discuss your questions and get valuable insight from both the community of Honest Breeders and Julie Swan. We often discuss breeding decisions members are working through as well as trends in the market. Calls are casual, feel free to come in your kennel-cleaning clothes!
Supportive Community
The community inside DBS is very supportive. You won’t have the judgement and breeder bashing that often accompanies Facebook Groups and local clubs. Our discussion grouops are supportive. We want you to succeed and we’re here for you through the process, good and bad. We have breeders who are just starting out and haven’t even had a litter yet, and we have seasoned breeders who have been breeding for decades. All are welcome and supported.

~ Breeder Copy Hub Example Post ~
What Does It Look Like?
Inside the Google Document this is what you see:
- Caption Category
- Caption Mad-Libs with suggestions
- Example Caption
- Visual Suggestions
- Status & Scheduling Area
Breeder Copy Hub is included in the Dog Breeder Society, but is also offered as a standalone purchase for $29/month.
In the Dog Breeder Society
We Believe …
All Dogs Are Worth Loving
There’s no need to get into a debate about whether or not a dog is better or worse than another. All dogs are worth loving and deserve a life where they are healthy and loved. This doesn’t mean that all dogs will be the right fit for everyone. As honest breeders our job is to align the puppy to the family. With the intention behind an honest dog breeding program, the probability that the dogs will be healthy, loved, and placed in the right home for them increases. This is why honest breeders are a gift to the world of dogs.
Success as a Breeder is …
Success for a breeder occurs when the puppy and owner have a relationship such that the dog fits the owner’s lifestyle, enriching the owner’s life as desired. This allows the dog to enjoy a high-quality of life because the owner takes care of him. Additionally, the breeder and breeder’s dogs are provided a higher quality of life by not only being able to create these great dogs and place them with amazing buyers, but by bringing in a profit and allowing the dog breeding program to be the bringer of good things for the family.
We are always responsible to our dogs
Dog breeders aren’t expected to fully pay for all the dogs they produce for the life of those dogs, but they should always be a lifeline to their dogs for their entire lives. Being an honest dog breeder means being willing to take back any dog they produced, in any condition, at any age, and do right by the dog, whether that’s retiring them with the breeder or finding that dog a new home. No dog from an honest breeder should ever find himself in a shelter or rescue. Dogs from honest breeders always have a home and a family.
You Have to Start Somewhere
I’ve never met a breeder who told me they had it all figured out. There are so many different jobs you have to have as a dog breeder, everything from managing dogs and puppies, to medical skills with whelping, to marketing skills, like social media and web design, as well as customer management skills! It’s a lot! No one is perfect at it. Our goal with the Dog Breeder Society is to help you build the skills you need to breed dogs, while also giving you the education behind those skills, so you are confident in what you’re doing. This way it’ll be easier for you to be successful as a dog breeder.
Better Every Time
The most successful people are always looking to improve and make things better. Honest breeders are no exception. Just as there is no perfect place to start, there is no finish line, there’s always something to improve. Honest breeders know this and work to improve something, however small, with every litter. When found in an unfortunate situation, honest breeders jump in to find the solution and be better for the experience. Knowing that every failure an opportunity for growth and improvement.
You Have to Make a Profit
Inside the Dog Breeder Society we aren’t shy about the fact that in order to be successful as a dog breeder you have to make a profit. Breeding dogs, the work that goes into it, the research, many hours of cleaning and managing dogs, supporting and educating buyers, and the costs, you have to make a profit otherwise it will take away from your family. If dog breeding doesn’t produce a profit, then you’ll not have the resources needed to do what needs to be done as a dog breeder. We’ll help you streamline your business so that you can produce amazing dogs, place them in wonderful homes, and make a profit.
All Breeding Programs Are Different
There is no one way to breed. There is always an alternative option. What works for one breeder might not work for you. The above beliefs are standards of results, but they aren’t the how. The how will be different for every breeder. Inside the Dog Breeder Society we acknowledge this difference and give you the information you need to make the best decision for your breeding program and your family.
What Are the Benefits of Membership?
You Have a Plan
Dog breeding is so dynamic that it’s difficult to know where to put your time and focus. We not only have the resources that’ll give you a plan, but we’ll also teach you how to implement it!
Saves You Time
Instead of pouring over Google and Facebook groups trying to find solutions to specific problems, you can save a lot of time and headache by learning in organized MasterClasses. If you aren’t sure, ask in the discussion boards or bring it to a Live Q&A Session.
Customized Solutions
No breeding program works the same. This is why we design our MasterClasses to give you the understanding of what goes into a decision with examples, as well as some thoughts on how to pick what’s right for you.
On Demand
We know how breeding goes, part of the benefit is that you make your own schedule. This is why all of our MasterClasses are on demand, to stream when you want!
We have a MasterClasses that are both video and audio, most with transcripts, allowing you to pick which classes will best serve you based on if you have time to watch or just to listen.
It’s not enough to teach you what you need to do, it’s important that we teach you how. The step-by-step walkthroughs we have of software, like HoneyBook CRM and ConvertKit Email Service Provider, will help you gain the benefits quickly, without the headache of watching 30 YouTube videos. All lessons are completely catered to dog breeders and how you can use if for your breeding business.
You're Not Alone
Dog breeding can feel terribly lonely at times, it’s not just a job, but a lifestyle, and it’s hard to find friends and family who understand and can help you with the process. Many breeders feel isolated in their breeding program.
Inside the Dog Breeder Society there is a whole group of people who ‘get it’ and understand the dynamics of dog breeding and running a dog business out of your home. They’ll celebrate your wins with you and support you through challenges.
Access to 1:1 Services
Julie offers a variety of customized services, everything from business coaching, to marketing and website audits, to website building, and HoneyBook Buildout. Priority for these services always goes to Dog Breeder Society Members.

Apple & Android App!
The Dog Breeder Society is hosted on the Circle App, allowing you to learn while you’re on the go, cleaning kennels, or driving!

Get Your Own Membership Badge!
Once you’ve been a member for 6 months inside the Dog Breeder Society, you’ll earn a membership badge to display on your website, social media, and with buyers. This badge shows your commitment to being an Honest Dog Breeder.