#I-8 – Matt Beisner, the Zen Dog & Dog Impossible – On Trainers and Dog Breeders & Genetic Coercion

by | Dec 2, 2022 | Dog & Puppy Management, People Management

We are so lucky to have Matt Beisner on today, from The Zen Dog & the show Dog: Impossible. We discuss a lot of topics where trainers and breeders collide, discussing the market, what people want and where the dog fits in. We discuss genetic coercion–are we breeding with the right intents? What does it mean for breed standard?

I think you’ll love this deep dive discussion on topics from an alternative perspective.

Want to Get the Roadmap to a Successful Breeding Program?

What you will find in this episode:

This coversation with Matt allows us to dive into the connection between breeding and training, how to help us pair the right dogs with the right people, and so much more!

Using your logo to convey a deeper meaning | 3:55

The roots of aggression in dogs – and genetics vs. nurture | 5:58

The impact breeding can have on the need for behavioral training | 11:35

Preparing people to be better dog owners | 13:39

What to think about before you decide to get a dog | 20:19

Meeting the needs of your dog | 23:35

Trauma for dogs – it’s different than you might think | 25:37

Creating an environment that honors the quest for learning and understanding | 28:20

The power of a great pairing between owners and dogs | 30:40

Are we engaging in genetic coercion? | 34:56

Enrichment vs. lifestyle vs. breeding selection | 38:08

The history of our relationship with dogs | 45:05

The implications of “breed to improve the breed” | 48:05

Breeding for drive when buyers are focused on physical characteristics | 50:54

When pairing dogs and mixing breeds, understanding predictable genetic conflicts | 53:48

Shifting the education around how you pick and care for a dog | 59:28

Challenges for breeders and the role of education for buyers before and after they pick a dog | 1:08:35

Fixing problem buyers have with their dogs through marketing and support | 1:13:50

Normalizing it’s not about getting a dog now, it’s about getting the right dog | 1:15:48

Dominance vs. leading | 1:19:02

When the buyer discovers they’re not in a position to meet the needs of the dog | 1:25:24

It’s not about fixing the dog, it’s about understanding why they’ve acted the way they have | 1:29:36

The power of consideration – is there something I don’t know that might change the way I think? | 1:36:54

Learn more & Connect with Matt:

The Zen Dog

Follow Matt on Instagram @matt_beisner

And check out Dog: Impossible on Nat Geo WILD & Disney+ 

Show Notes

Referenced Links
Want to Get the Roadmap to a Successful Breeding Program?

Hey! I’m Julie Swan! I’m here to help you build a breeding business that you love, one that produces amazing dogs, places them in wonderful homes, gives you the life you want, also pays the bills!

Not Sure Where to Start?

Dog Breeding is a rewarding business, but it’s also dynamic. Getting started the right way in dog breeding is the key. I created a whole page on my site to help you get started and make a plan!

Want to Make Your Breeding Program Better?

Want to learn more about building your breeding business? Making more money, taking better care of your dogs, and stressing less over marketing? It’s all inside the Dog Breeder Society, an educational and supportive community for dog breeders.

Hate Social Media?

Social Media is consitently described as the biggest frustration point for dog breeders, more so than cleaning puppy poop! This is why we created Breeder Copy Hub, a monthly subscription that gives you social media & email captions fresh every month! Save time and get more engagement!