#I-2 – Beth Berkobien – Aggression, Temperament, Drive, and Loving the Growl

by | Jul 1, 2022 | Dog & Puppy Management, People Management

In this episode we have Beth Berkobien of Rehab Your Rescue in Dallas Texas, Beth works primarily with anxiety and aggression in dogs.

She has been a wonderful help to me in my own situation with our dog Cinch, a charming cattle dog, and I am so lucky to have met Beth.

As breeders we are usually solving problems from the breeding side of the house, but when that doesn’t go as planned, Beth is the kind of person who gets called in.

I hope you learn a lot in this interview, I’d love to hear your thoughts, join me on instagram @thehonestdogbreeder.

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What you will find in this episode:

This interview with Beth is full of insightful and useful information to all breeders.  Here are the highlights from our conversation.

Temperament & drive – what they are and how they differ | 1:51

Maladaptive behavior – what it looks like and how to set the dog up for success | 4:50

Reinforcing a behavior vs. adjusting an emotion | 10:15

Where we have gone wrong on the thinking around dominance | 13:36

The importance of growling, what we can learn from it, and why we need to honor it | 17:50

Causes of maladaptive behavior & aggression | 23:48

How to use reinforcement to encourage agency and teach behavior | 28:02

Behavior considerations with puppies | 33:43

Managing behavior with multiple dogs | 36:00

The importance of considering drive and temperament when breeding and raising dogs | 38:17

Your dogs have emotions – just not necessarily the same ones you do | 42:57

The impact of temperament on the way you interact with the dog – finding the right fit | 45:02

Understanding drive vs. anxiety | 49:01

Why it is important to deal with the emotion and not just the behavior | 59:14

Setting your buyers up for success | 1:01:48

Separation anxiety when the dog can see you but can’t be with you | 1:05:59


Learn more and connect with Beth

You can find Beth at www.rehabyourrescue.com or on Facebook and Instagram @rehabyourrescue.  And reach out to her directly at [email protected]

Show Notes

Referenced Links
Want to Get the Roadmap to a Successful Breeding Program?

Hey! I’m Julie Swan! I’m here to help you build a breeding business that you love, one that produces amazing dogs, places them in wonderful homes, gives you the life you want, also pays the bills!