by Julie Swan | Dec 14, 2023 | Business Management, People Management
Jump to Show Notes Do you get irritated with shelters and rescues who are able to find a loving home willing to support a dog who is missing a leg, an eye, an ear, and also has severe issues with reactivity or fear? It sounds terrible to say it, but I’m going to say...
by Julie Swan | Sep 29, 2023 | Business Management, People Management
Jump to Show Notes As many of you know, my breeding program is called Bear Paw Ranch. I breed German Shorthairs primarily, with a small Rat Terrier program. What you might not know is that I don’t advertise to my buyers that I have a podcast or a business helping...
by Julie Swan | Aug 31, 2023 | Business Management, Dog & Puppy Management
Jump to Show Notes You know what is super frustrating? Having a buyer call, looking for a puppy, and you don’t have one. You know what’s also frustrating? Having no one calling you when you do have puppies. Do you feel that pain? I know it was a pain for me for a long...
by Julie Swan | Aug 24, 2023 | Business Management, Dog & Puppy Management, People Management
Want to Get the Retaining Bloodlines when Downsizing Your Program Cheatsheet? Jump to Show Notes Is the thought of having a giant litter stressing you out? Normally these are exciting things, all those puppies, all those options for buyers to pick from, but it can...
by Julie Swan | Aug 17, 2023 | Business Management, Dog & Puppy Management, People Management
Want to Get the Price Adjustments Based on Supply & Demand Cheatsheet? Jump to Show Notes In the last episode we discussed the idea of pausing your breeding program, what that might mean, what is happening in the economy, not just in the dog breeding market, but...
by Julie Swan | Aug 10, 2023 | Business Management
Jump to Show Notes There’s been a lot of talk recently about pausing your breeding program. As if you can simply push a button on the remote of life and make living things pause, yet I digress, I think they made that into a movie with Adam Sandler, right? Well, I...