As a dog breeder, you wear a million hats. Add in all the things outside of dog breeding that you need to take care of each day, and it can feel like you’re fighting a no-win battle with your to-do list. That’s why I pulled together amazing Time Management experts to help you discover new ways to move through each day, taking care of what needs to be done, and going to bed with a sense of accomplishment. We’ve also included resources designed specifically for dog breeders – because we know that the challenges you face are often unique – and so are the resources to help you manage them!
Lara Marek is a coach for life and business, but she noticed something … when people stopped working with her, they were unable to maintain their momentum. She found that there were underlying stories they held subconsciously that got in the way of success. She found she was able to give her clients long-term success through hypnosis, helping them to discard the underlying stories sabotagin their success. Learn what these stories look like, how to spot them, and see if hypnosis might work for you!
This conversation with Lara Marek is just the start to a deep dive Julie & Lara took into limiting beliefs, hypnosis, and how you can overcome barriers to effective time management which is available as a MasterClass inside the Dog Breeder Society.
Podcast Transcript
Julie | 0:24
Hi guys, you are definitely in for a treat today. We have Lara of Lara Marek Coaching. She’s brilliant and today we’re gonna talk about one of the tools inside her coaching toolbox, which is hypnosis and how hypnosis can be a game changer to really move the needle just in mindset and overall performance. Lara thank you so much for coming today. Can you tell us a little bit about how you got started and where your coaching program focuses on?
Lara | 0:57
Thank you Julie. Yeah so as you already said I’m a coach and a certified hypnotist and before we kind of dive into the content I believe it’s also kind of interesting maybe for listeners that I’m also a mom of two children and I have a bunch of fur babies. They’re cats not dogs but still I’m an absolute animal lover and I’m so excited to be here today.
Julie | 1:25
We’re so excited to have you. You have such juicy stuff. Okay so the big question, hypnotism right? So everybody just thinks of the ball dangling in front, you know, but that’s really not what it is is it?
Lara | 1:44
No it isn’t. I mean there are two parts of hypnosis or two different genes kind of. So one is the show hypnosis and that’s what you just referred to. It’s made for for the stages, but that’s not what I consider to be the really powerful hypnosis piece I’m using in my coaching business. And if you use hypnosis as a therapeutical tool, it is so profound, and so allowing for deep and long-lasting transformation, leading to success and happiness in life.
Julie | 2:27
Which is what everybody wants that. Can you kind of explain a little bit of the science and what is happening in hypnosis so we can kind of understand what it is? Because you know it’s scary because we’re like well we’re not really present and are you just gonna make us dance like a chicken? And of course you’re not.
Lara | 2:44
Yeah so that’s one of the misperception about hypnosis. So in fact your body is deeply relaxed, so we are with hypnosis, we are actually slowing down the brainwaves going into a deep relaxation while you are fully conscious. So you’re fully focused with your mind and still in the present moment.
So it’s not at all that you are kind of a headless chicken doing things you would never do in in kind of your normal life.
Julie | 3:21
Sure so you’re still aware of the process going on.
Lara | 3:23
Julie | 3:24
In a slightly different state.
Lara | 3:27
Yes and you can always stop it, if you feel like this is not going into the direction you’d like to, you’re always in the position to stop because you’re in control.
Julie | 3:41
That’s great. So what does hypnosis do? Why would somebody even get hypnosis?
Lara | 3:50
So what makes hypnosis the easiest most gentle and at the same time most powerful tool on earth is that with hypnosis you can actually bypass your barrier that is put by your conscious awareness. And I mean I’m going to ask all the listeners here what do you think how much part of your brain is your conscious mind, which you know how much percentage is it taking over of your brain, and which percentage is run by your subconscious mind? I’m not sure if you Julie would like to give an answer or if I should reveal.
Julie | 4:32
I remember you telling me but yes it’s well you think you’re conscious all day doing stuff and so you would think you have all this control and like 90 something percent of the day you’d be in control but that’s not the case is it?
Lara | 4:48
Yeah in fact it’s the other way around so between 90 and 95 percent of the daily actions and decisions you take are run by your subconscious mind without you even realizing it. Isn’t that crazy?
Julie | 5:04
It’s kind of scary yeah. I remember reading a statistic that says the conscious brain can manage about 40 different things at once, and the subconscious brain can manage like 40 million, which is ridiculous, but it makes it kind of scary because you think okay well how am I supposed to change what I’m doing if all I have control of is this tiny little percentage of what I do?
Lara | 5:29
Exactly and that’s why I found hypnosis to be the most powerful tool to bypass that barrier put in place by the conscious mind and actually directly address the 90 to 95 percent of your subconscious mind and to reframe it so that you can introduce the healthier habits you always wanted and all the success and happiness in your life because you you get to erase what is blocking you from your subconscious mind.
Julie | 6:03
Yeah it’s almost like it opens the door to those things. And can you kind of explain why do we even have those things, why does it even work this way, I mean if there’s something about myself that I don’t like, why can’t I just change it so easily?
Lara | 6:18
So majority of things that are stored in our subconscious mind have actually been built in our childhood. So studies have kind of shown that in the first seven year of your life you’re like a sponge picking up all the things around you without questioning them much. Because you’re just not in a position right, and very often we do not understand everything that goes on around us, so as children we make interpretations and assumptions about you know our life and our environment and very often those are not even true right it’s just a perception. However all of this is stored in your subconscious mind, and it’s kind of leading to beliefs about life in general and your situation that are hindering you in your adulthood to move forward and to be happy and to have the success you always dreamed of. And that’s why we call them the limiting beliefs.
Julie | 7:27
That makes sense and so maybe some examples would be like I think we have like that fear of success, you hear that all the time, and people are like I’m not afraid of success, but they really don’t act that way. So could you give like an example on that one?
Lara | 7:43
Yeah definitely. So fear of success is a very tricky one right because our conscious mind, it cannot really grasp why should I have fear of success? However our subconscious mind learned probably in our childhood or you know somewhere else with the experience we made in life that if we have success, it puts us to a place of the unknown. So what some people get into then is you know if I have success, what do I do with the taxes, for example how do I pay them, how do I sort that out? Or if I have success what will others think of me? How will my family perceive me if I am rich, if I have you know ton of money because of my success? And all of that is leading subconsciously that’s perceived as a fear and that’s why our subconscious mind is actually blocking us from having the success we are consciously dreaming of.
Julie | 8:45
Oh no I think that makes so much sense. In my own experience, I found I thought it was crap for a long time. I thought I don’t have a fear of success, but I thought it would take time away from my family. And so I really wrestled with that idea, that if I take on more business, more clients, sell more dogs, then I’m taking that time away from my kids. I’ll just be crazy busy and never sleep, and only do dogs, and oh my gosh, and it took a long time to really work with that, especially because it wasn’t a conscious process right, I didn’t know that that’s what was at play
Lara | 9:20
Yeah that’s a classical kind of problem the clients I work with face.
Julie | 9:27
Would you see it in, thinking of our puppy buyers too that they think they can’t handle things, or you know they could have a perception probably that a task is more difficult.
Lara | 9:39
I would assume that dog breeders are not different than anyone else right? I’m pretty sure most of them deal with fears and limiting beliefs that prevent them subconsciously from having the success with their breeds and with selling their puppies and having the loving buyers they always dreamed of for their puppies so yeah.
Julie | 10:14
Yes, exactly. I think we all struggle there. You know the markets been particularly hard recently so a lot of breeders are in that headspace where they’re like oh my gosh nobody’s ever gonna buy my dogs, or why would they buy my dogs when they could buy them from this person who’s been doing it longer, or who has more options, or who has a different color, and you know it is difficult. So if someone’s in that mindset, how could hypnosis help?
Lara | 10:42
So the process I apply with my clients is that first of all, in the one-to-one conversation, we are digging into the underlying root cause for limiting beliefs. And those vary a lot, however ultimately you know most people want to feel loved, they want to feel safe, they want to feel worthy. But it’s a process, in the second step reframe the limiting beliefs into positive ones. And then as part of the hypnosis, we incorporate those positive reframes to reprogram the subconscious mind, because with hypnosis we are going so deep that we can bypass the conscious mind, and directly I call it rewire the subconscious mind with that positive beliefs then.
Julie | 11:43
That makes sense so you’re resetting. I guess what happens when you have a limiting belief story like how does that, take hypnosis out of it for a second, how does that affect your behavior?
Lara | 12:00
So the subconscious mind is preventing us under all circumstances, from doing something against our subconscious beliefs. So no matter how hard we try consciously, we will only succeed once our subconscious really believes this is kind of true, or this is going to be a success.
Julie | 12:24
And you’re saying so really in a way the beliefs are like a set of rules that our subconscious makes true. So you actually, subconsciously, bend our actions to do that. So for example, if I have a fear of success, and I think it’ll take time away from my kids then I might not respond as quickly as I should to leads, or I might not take the time to put that on my website, or I might not take the time to ask and so I’ll find my subconscious will more or less persuade me to take actions otherwise, and that’s kind of the idea.
Lara | 13:06
Exactly so procrastination is one of the classical tactics of our subconscious mind to not do what would lead to success.
Julie | 13:16
Yeah that makes sense. That’s crazy. Can you think of any other examples that might help us put this together too? Because I feel like there’s going to be people thinking “well I have control of my actions”. Does it present ideas, like does it logically talk to us, and talk us out of things?
Lara | 13:32
So every time you have a thought or saying even out loud “I can’t” you know some negative sentence, that’s where I would look into very closely, and ask yourself is it really true and why is it true?
Julie | 13:54
And so you might say like I can’t do social media. And so your subconscious because it believes that, will make it true, so it will make it very awkward or annoying to learn the process.
Lara | 14:10
You will feel overwhelmed and you know having a hard time and every time you look into kind of learning social media you think “oh why should I do, that I’m too old I can’t learn it anymore, it doesn’t make sense, it will not help me anyway, my buyers will not benefit from me being on social media” yeah so that’s all that.
Julie | 14:32
That whole weight will just get thrown on you, and just crash on your shoulders. That makes so much sense. And so when we have those feelings of that word “I can’t” if we say that, or if we start to feel really overwhelmed, do you use that when you’re working with clients to sort of start there? And you would ask where that comes from? Why do you think you can’t learn that?
Lara | 14:58
Yeah exactly.
Julie | 15:01
Okay so then we figure it out all right, so let’s go with the limiting belief of the fear of success for example, or nobody’s gonna buy my dogs right let’s do that one, or ooh should we go for the you can’t make money breeding dogs.
Lara | (15:17
Yeah I think that’s the most classical limiting belief someone can have, and it’s also one of the hardest one to ditch, because there could be so many underlying root causes that it really requires work to get to the bottom of them. And I would say it’s probably also the one where it makes the most sense to have a coach or hypnotist at your side to kind of help you go through that process and uncover the blind spots.
We have been carrying the limiting beliefs for majority of our life, so if you’re let’s say in our 40s, it has been 40 something years right? So that’s why it’s so hard to even recognize beliefs as being limiting beliefs.
Julie | 16:11
They’re so foundational to who you are. They’re almost like I’m five foot three like I will just be “I can’t do that because I’m too short” like it’s something I can’t change about myself, but you’re saying these beliefs are that true, that you’ll be this height forever.
Lara | 16:26
Exactly, yeah.
Julie | 16:32
All right, so if we say you can’t make money breeding dogs, that’s this belief, then it seems like, so I do notice this when I’m talking to breeders, especially as coaching clients, they’ll come in and they’ll say I can’t make money doing this. And you know I’ll be looking at their situation and they’re selling twice as many dogs as me a year, and their price is twice as much as mine. And it’s like well no you can you definitely can. And so a lot of times, I’m finding that I’m logically explaining to them like we need to find where the extra costs are. But what you’re saying is from a hypnotism perspective, you’re going through and you’re saying okay what belief is that, and where can we get to the bottom of it? So maybe if you were digging through it with somebody, you might find that they think every single puppy has to go to the vet four times before they go home, so they have this belief that that’s what’s required. Or they have this belief that they have to spend six hours a day working with their dogs, and so they might have this whole image of what that looks like. And so when you break that down, are you helping them understand there’s an alternative way, or are you mostly just getting to the story?
Lara | 17:48
So I’m mostly diving into the here and now story. I usually don’t look into why the story was created, but what I do is I help them to reframe it. And to see you know what is it really that is preventing you from actually making money with your dogs. Is it a scarcity mindset? Is it the lack of self-trust? Is it a general misconceptions about breeding and society that lead you to the point that you have to spend all the money and invest it in your dog’s health and food and education that at the end nothing is left for you? And here I believe it’s very important that if you face that limiting belief that you understand that as a responsible breeder you can focus on health and proper care, and you can still be profitable. So that would already then be the first part of the reframe, that helps our subconscious mind believe this to be true, that actually can be a financial benefit out of the dog breeding business.
Julie | 19:06
Mm-hmm and that makes sense because I do find a lot of people are holding themselves back in that area, they’re worried it makes them a bad person at the end of the day if they don’t spend all their money back on the dogs or on their facilities. And the interesting thing is that very few breeders pay themselves to the tune of what their time invested in the businesses worth. And you would never be able to get an employee like yourself and not pay them.
Lara | (19:37
Which is a limiting belief as well right? I mean why isn’t there someone that can do the job as good as you could? Which will then free up your mind and your space, and give you back energy to actually look into, for example the social media part, and the marketing topic and all of that right?
Julie | 19:53
Right and so that’s good you called me out on it. So that makes sense, right so we can start to break those pieces down and see what it would look like. Okay so then in the next step right so we’ve kind of figured out these beliefs and where maybe they stem from. Then what would come next in a process working with a hypnotist?
Lara | 20:17
Yeah, so together we’ll reframe them, we see usually I pick that negative limiting belief we figure to be kind of the bottom of it, and frame it in a positive way – what you would like to believe is true but you do not yet believe subconsciously. So that’s kind of the second step.
Julie | 20:44
Sure, okay so if we took that example, and we say that we have the belief you can’t make money breeding dogs. All right so then we backwards plan that or we kind of talk through it and we say okay the core of this is that I feel guilty spending that money on myself, when you know with my dogs, like I should always spend more money on my dogs. And so you might go through and frame okay so what would make you feel good about the dogs? Well making sure they have a high quality dog food, making sure they have shelter, and water, and a comfortable place, and they’re getting their enrichment they’re getting activities. Okay so if that makes me happy with my breeders then that costs X amount of dollars. So now I can say okay well there’s a certain amount left over, and then I can take that, and take care of myself in return for the work I’ve invested in the business. Is that kind of the idea you’d be reframing it that way?
Lara | 21:44
So I’ll do it much simpler. So I really I like to take very short sentences like “I focus on health and proper care of my puppies, and I will be having a profit by the end.” You know there will be a profit left at the end of the process.
Get the MasterClass for more with Lara Marek and Danielle McGeough on Time Management for Dog Breeders.
Julie | 22:08
So these are going to be the rephrase, is this the affirmations you were telling me about?
Lara | 22:12
Yeah yes so it’s it’s the same rephrase is the same as affirmations.
Julie | 22:19
Okay, and so then what happens then, if I just say I take care of my puppies, does that work?
Lara | 22:23
But then I would ask you you know how does care look for you? Is it good care? Is it excellent care? What does care mean? Is it healthy food? Is it you know seeing the vet as per schedule? All of that, and we would then specify it to a level that actually will have a positive impact for your future life. So it’s not not enough to just say “I’m a good dog breeder”.
Julie | 22:56
Yeah, like it’s actually what feels really good to you. And then you take that, and then with the affirmations is this getting ready for hypnosis?
Lara | 23:07
So we are usually defining a set of six to ten new beliefs, reframed beliefs. And then during the hypnosis I’ll incorporate them at several points so that they really start to to do their work in your subconscious mind.
Julie | 23:27
Okay, and so is then the theory that once we have this new belief that’s been programmed in overriding the old one, our subconscious will start to make it true. Is that the idea? So without actually doing work our subconscious is finding opportunities? So for example the one that comes to mind because I deal with numbers so much. You think that vet care costs $500 for this, well you might think oh man there’s other vets in the area let me just call around. And so your subconscious will have the thought to call around and find a different price. Or maybe if it’s worth driving, or maybe if you can do whatever, and so you’ll start to think of other ways to save money to have the same quality in a way that your brain wouldn’t let you do that before?
Lara | 24:17
Exactly yes, absolutely. Yeah it’s really it’s a to me you know I apply hypnosis for quite a while now myself and it’s really it sometimes feels like a magic wand. But of course, I mean it’s not in fact, it also requires some work and dedication, because your subconscious mind is not convinced for the most part with just one session.
Julie | 24:53
Okay yeah, I was gonna say it’s not just a one-hit wonder is it?
Lara | 24:58
Well just for very few topics, so usually smoking cessation related topics are for the most part fixable with just one session. And then sometimes but it depends a bit on the underlying root cause, weight challenges can also be addressed within one session.
Julie | 25:31
You said weight, like overeating, like you love cookies too much? I’ll have to call you for that! So what do you find is some of the limiting beliefs for those? Why are those so quick and easy?
Lara | 25:40
So um let’s go into smoking because I believe that’s easier to explain. So for the for the most part it’s just a habit, it’s just a habit, and also the the overeating piece, and habits can be rewired more quickly because they are usually not you know not for your entire life, like limiting beliefs, so it makes them easier to be rewired than many of the other limiting beliefs.
Julie | 26:16
Okay, so even something as simple as making your bed in the morning. You know if you don’t make your bed every morning you might have a story that you’re not a clean person. And so you could just rewrite that and that’s a quicker one because it’s that’s not a story about self-worth or something deeper. That makes sense, there’s less layers to that story.
Lara | 26:42
Absolutely yes.
Julie | 26:48
Isn’t that the pain too, you’re working on your stories and then you’re like oh wow I thought that was the story, nope there’s a story underneath that.
Lara | 26:52
It’s like peeling onions, and it’s so uncomfortable. That’s why most people actually never take that route, I mean they they prefer to stay in their victim mentality and complaining their entire life feeling bad and unhappy, because that’s all they know, that’s their familiar instead of just taking the leap and increasing their comfort zone.
Julie | 27:20
Yeah, no that makes so much sense. I was a little awkward in high school, and as a kid you know I was a little special, and it was funny this past weekend we went home for a family reunion. And I being back in my home I grew up in, a lot of things came back, I almost felt like that person again in some places, and I was like “wow that was creepy”. And I think we are kind of programmed, and I think our environment plays into that a lot, but we’re programmed to be a certain way and we just fall right back into that groove, and I that happens subconsciously as well.
Lara | 27:57
Yeah absolutely, I mean that’s kind of the stories others have told about you, and you started to believe them at one point. That’s why it is so easy to fall back into you know those stories when you are, as you said, back in your childhood environment for example.
Julie | 28:18
Mm-hmm, oh, it’s crazy. Okay so let’s go back and see this process, because I think a lot of people are kind of like this sounds cool but how does it really, how does the process work, because I don’t like to go into somewhere where I don’t know what to expect you know. I kind of get nervous about that stuff.
Lara | 28:35
So this is also protection mechanism by the way from your subconscious mind, to make you feel uncomfortable about unknown situations.
Julie | 28:47
There you go, it’s for your safety Julie. Oh man this is terrible tearing me up online. Okay so we say okay I don’t know what’s going on, I feel like I’ve tried a million things, I cannot seem to get traction. So they might call you up and say Lara how am I gonna fix this stuff? And you would say, okay cool what’s broken right, and you’re gonna be listening in for those keywords like I can’t do this, or I can’t do that, and you’re gonna flag them. And then you’re going to talk about them and try to get to the bottom of that story, and figure out what belief they have right? And I could see like with smoking, I don’t think many smokers are like I do this for my health, so I think there’s not a lot of stories that are protecting you in the way, that say a fear of success, I feel like those stories they were meant to protect us but they don’t serve us anymore. And so that part sucks. And then we have to rewrite that so you help them get to the bottom of where the story came from, and maybe how it served them back then, but now it’s hurting them now. So then you say, okay what would you like to believe instead, I sell all my puppies by the time they’re six weeks old, and everybody loves them, there you go okay great, so that’s the new story. So our new affirmation, so then now you have that, and you’re going to help incorporate that in the hypnosis session. All right cool, so we would do a hypnosis session, you’re going to bring them down into that state of mind, you’re going to help open the door to the subconscious, you’re going to reprogram those stories. And then you said it takes sometimes longer, like it’s not just one and done. So what happens next?
Lara | 30:35
So what I found, bringing the most transformation and the, you know, most level of success for my clients is actually doing a package of five sessions, each with a break of two to three weeks in between. And to accelerate your transformation, you’ll get some homework from me as well.
Julie | 31:00
All right. So what might the homework be?
Lara | 31:04
Well, it always depends a bit on the client. But for sure, there’s always listening, re-listening to the hypnosis audio on a daily basis, that’s really, really important. So just remind your subconscious mind on a daily basis about your new reframed positive beliefs.
Julie | 31:23
And so you re-listen to that audio each day, is it 15 minutes, or is it longer?
Lara | 31:29
It depends a lot on the on the topic we would work on. So usually it’s around about 30 minutes, but it can be a bit longer, a bit shorter. Yeah.
Julie | 31:40
So you would listen to that tape for about 30 minutes a day and then do that every day for the two to three weeks. And then what happens at the next session?
Lara | 31:47
So again, it depends really on the topic we are working on, but the process is always the same. So we start with looking into your limiting beliefs in the second session, I would obviously ask, how has your week been? And then is there anything else that came up? Where did you struggle? I can already tell if people are procrastinating, listening to the hypnosis audio, I know I need to dig deeper and I need to dig into, you know, what is the story behind it? What is blocking them actually from the transformation they’re actually looking for?
And then we look again into the reframed beliefs and we assess if they’re still valid, if we need new ones, if we need different ones, and then we are again going through the hypnosis. And, if we would go for a five package, set of five package, each time we meet, there’s a different theme and definitely different hypnosis audio so that we can, you know, address the different parts of your subconscious mind and just make the transformation as easy and at the same time as powerful as possible.
Julie | 33:11
That’s nice. So in some people you’re going to work with them and then they’re going to be struggling either to listen to it or they’re going to be getting some results one or the other. So if something’s not working, or they’re doing the meditation or the guided meditation every day and they’re getting results, but it’s not quite what they want. You would tweak it in the next session.
Lara | 33:36
We would tweak it, yes.
Julie | 33:37
Or they might want to address something else.
So maybe they came in because they were having a problem. They said, oh, I’m not a morning person. I can’t get up and do work in the morning.
And so you might help them with that. And then that’s fine. Now they say, well, I’m not a person who works out.
So now you might help them get to a place where they could incorporate exercise on the regular.
Lara | 33:58
We could totally do that. However, my recommendation is so usually what I find with my clients, they come in with, with their perceived problem on, let’s say, I can sell my puppies and then we start with the process. But usually I really have to tweak, from week to week, until we really get to that new version of them they are dreaming of. So it’s really, as I discussed before, it’s kind of like peeling the onions. We cannot get right to the core of it for the most part, because those stories are so old and so ingrained. It just doesn’t work that way.
Julie | 34:46
That makes sense. So as you’re doing that first session, how are people going to know there’s more to the story? How do you know?
Lara | 34:56
So that’s part of the, it will reveal itself as part of the process.
Julie | 35:01
Okay. So it’s hard to articulate, but it is obvious at that point.
Lara | 35:07
It gets from week to week, it gets more obvious about what is it really, and then we tweak the beliefs, and that will actually then lead us to, I don’t like to say fix it, but to tweak it the way we, or the clients, imagines their life to be.
Julie | 35:37
That makes sense. That makes sense. I’m thinking that you could go in and say, nobody wants my puppies, but you might find that, like, I’ve noticed a couple of people are afraid to post their price online, or then they’ll drop it on the phone. Like, so the people contacted them off the website with the price. They didn’t ask about the price, but then the breeder will drop the price in the phone call. So would that might be an example where you would say, Hey, well, why did you do that?
Lara | 36:12
Yeah. So my question would be, do we have a topic around self-confidence, self-worth, because usually, of course, there’s always a certain strategy that works better than other strategies. Especially when it comes to sales topics. Right. So I’m not a specialist on that topic, but I will definitely ask, why did you just drop the price? Do you feel uncomfortable? Why do you feel uncomfortable? Do you feel like you’re charging too much? Do you feel like your dog is, are you scared your dog is not healthy enough, pretty enough, to ask for that price? And that’s what we would work on. But of course, all the strategies are an important piece for success as well.
Julie | 37:05
Yeah. That makes sense. That makes sense.
So you would kind of break down where that is. And so I think you could also get to a place. Does this play into it at all?
Where a breeder might do that game with the pricing on the phone and where they drop the price from their website. And then, they’re worried they’ll lose the sale, but more so I think they’re, sometimes they don’t feel like they’re doing as much work as they know they could. They know what perfect could be, but they’re not able to do that perfect plan. Like, Oh, I didn’t do all the socialization I want. So I don’t feel like I can charge full price or, you know, or I just didn’t like the way that one’s ears were. So I just don’t feel like I, you know, and it’s like the buyers don’t care.
The dog is worth the money, but now it looks terrible that you’ve made it seem like this dog isn’t worth as much as your normal dogs. So yeah. So do you dive into that with them as well?
Lara | (38:04
Yes, absolutely. So perfection, one of the most common limiting beliefs I see with my clients. Oh, um, and actually perfection always is a failure.
It keeps you stuck where you are. 70% perfection is good enough. You don’t need to reach the a hundred percent because you will anyway, never reach that point.
Right. I mean, who’s a hundred percent perfect. No one.
And do you like people who are a hundred percent perfect? No.
Julie | 38:35
I certainly don’t want to be married to one.
Lara | 38:39
No. So perfection is actually an illusion. As a matter of fact, people can, you know, although it’s just over the phone, people can hear the insecurity you’re having with a particular dog. And by dropping the price, you’re making assumptions and you don’t know about, you know, our assumptions, there are assumptions. So the likelihood that they are actually true are really small. And what I came to learn is that, it might be a bit woo woo, but, usually if you know, we lose a sale, there’s a better buyer, a more loving buyer. That will be kind of the perfect fit for that dog. So there’s a reason why someone didn’t want to buy it for, you know, the price maybe you are asking for.
Julie | 39:41
I kind of agree with you on that. That’s been my experience. You know, you get close to a sale and then something feels a little weird.
And then a week later, somebody will call about the dog and you’re like, Oh man, this is a perfect person. So yeah.
Lara | 39:56
Julie | 39:57
I kind of agree. We can call that woo-woo, but I think it’s true.
Lara | 40:01
Yeah. But it takes a self-trust and faith too, a persistence as well to take that leap. Um, yeah.
And persist the unknown, because, I can imagine that some breeders might think it’s better to make the sale for a lower price than not selling the puppy at all. But they’re leaving out that kind of, that perfect match, potential perfect match for a dog.
Julie | 40:35
Yeah, I think so. And I know. Like if a dog does have a defect, you know, if we had a three legged dog or I had a one-eyed dog last year. Then yes, I understand reducing the price, but, but I think when we are worried, we just won’t sell the dogs and there’s nothing wrong with the dog. I do see that as a big red flag, that you should really focus on getting your price. I did notice last year, I was so nervous. I had dropped off the planet. I was doing so much with my podcast, that I hadn’t done anything with my breeding program for advertising. And then I had like a large set of litters. And so I was like, Oh no.
And I had to jump back into it. And I noticed I procrastinated myself. I was hesitating posting.
I was afraid. And when I think back to it, trying to deep dive into what you would probably help me figure out had I known you back then. I was afraid that if I posted an Instagram post, and nobody engaged with it, and nobody liked it, I would feel even more like a failure that they hadn’t sold. And so it was just like struggling with that and just accepting that maybe three people could like, might like it.
And then that’d be okay. If one of them wanted them, even better.
Lara | 41:57
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, at the end, if people like, or don’t like, it says nothing about you, it doesn’t say anything about your dogs. And all you need is, is one person to see your posts and be the perfect match for the dog you’re trying to sell.
Julie | 42:15
Yes. I like that. That’s so good.
That’s so good. All right. So then at the end of the five weeks, people are millionaires and they have all the. No, at the end of it though, you start to see, you see the changes, right? It’s a long enough time, not five weeks, the five sessions, which is probably around.
Lara | 42:37
It’s 10 to 14 weeks, depending on what’s getting addressed.
Julie | 42:40
About three months or so.
Lara | 42:43
Julie | 42:43
Maybe a little longer.
So in that time you can start to see the results. You can start to see the changes. You can start to notice things that your subconscious is presenting to you that weren’t options before, weren’t an awareness before.
And that’s pretty good. That’s pretty good.
Lara | 42:59
Exactly. And, actually science has proven that, for us to incorporate new habits, our brain takes between somewhere between 21 days and 200 something days. And actually the sweet spot is at 67 days for you to incorporate I call it habits, but it’s kind of the same as the new beliefs, to embody them, make it your new reality. And that’s why those five sessions or the 10 to 15 weeks are so powerful because we are hitting the 67 days for sure.
Julie | 43:39
Yes. That makes sense. So it’s plenty of time for that to like, try it stick and all like that.
I’m glad you’re saying it’s not always 21 days. Cause when you hear that and you don’t get it done in 21 days, you just feel like you suck.
Lara | 43:54
Yeah. And, you know, if you do it the kind of the normal way, let’s say doing more sports, incorporating more sports in your daily life, your subconscious mind will do everything it can to kind of let you fall off the wagon.
Julie | 44:10
Oh, my leg hurts today.
Lara | 44:12
Yeah, exactly. Or I feel a little sick, or today it’s raining. Yeah, there are so many excuses.
Julie | 44:21
That makes sense. So if you have a habit you’re trying to form and it’s just not working, that’s a great sign that there’s a limiting belief. That makes sense.
Lara | 44:33
Julie | 44:34
All right. Perfect. Well, thank you so much for sharing this with us.
So tell people where they can find you. You have an awesome freebie online they can sign up for.
Lara | 44:50
So for your listeners, I have an amazing free gift. So it’s a mini hypnosis audio. And it’s about releasing shame and guilt. Because I can imagine, as dog breeders, you’re facing a lot of, shame, not feeling good enough, feeling guilty for maybe not spending enough time, money, not cleaning enough. Um, yeah, all of that. So, I think it’s an amazing audio, and you can download it, through the link.
Julie | 45:25
Yep. And that’ll be in the show notes. And so this is interview 11. So when you guys will go into I 11, it’ll be on there. So it’ll be forward slash I the letter 11.
Lara | 45:38
Yes. And it will be available for download at least until year end 2024, or even longer.
Julie | 45:46
Perfect. That sounds great. And then if people want to work with you, how can they find you?
Lara | 45:58
So, through that link, you’ll find my webpage and you’re welcome to book a free discovery call. And also to look into my webpage in general, if you would like to know more about me and my background.
Julie | 46:12
That’s so awesome. Yes. We will definitely get your website linked in the show notes and have everything for people to check you out.
So thank you so much for coming on the podcast.
Lara | 46:21
Thank you for having me.