#108 – Fast, Easy & effective Social Media with Breeder Copy Hub

by | Mar 7, 2025 | Business Management

Get the Making Social Media Fast, Easy & Effective with Breeder Copy Hub MasterClass

We all know social media can be an important tool in helping us connect with puppy buyers. BUT, it takes time, energy, and can often be frustrating when it feels like nothing you do is actually working.

This discussion is part of a larger MasterClass that includes a deep dive into Breeder Copy Hub how it came about, how we develop it, how you can use it and make the most out of it. Not only do we discuss how to make the process of creating social media faster and easier, we also talk about what you can do to make sure the content you’re posting is effective – helping you sell your dogs to the right buyers at the right price!.

Checkout the full MasterClass using the button below.

Get the Making Social Media Fast, Easy & Effective With Breeder Copy Hub MasterClass

Julie | 0:25

You guys are in for a treat today. Today we have, my wonderful friend and co-worker, Kate the Magnificent. I think that’s your last name, right?

So, Kate. Thanks so much for being here today. Kate, you guys, she’s magic.

She’s like all the things I am absolutely terrible at. Kate knocks them out of the park and we just, we would not exist without Kate. So thanks so much for being here, Kate.

Kate | 0:53

Oh, thank you for having me. It’s exciting to be here, to be on this side of the camera. And it really is. It’s vice versa, all the things that I am not so great at, Julie is fantastic at.

Julie | 1:06

It’s a very nice complementary team. It’s wonderful. All right.

Well, today, guys, we wanted to discuss Breeder Copy Hub. I know we’ve had this. This is an idea that was hatched in, I think, the second half of 2023.

So it was an idea that we’ve had. We tossed it around for a couple months and we tried to think, oh, how could we do this? How could we make it?

How would breeders benefit from it? What are we solving? And Breeder Copy Hub was born out of those discussions.

But there’s still some mystery around it. And now that we’ve been doing it for over a year, we’ve learned a lot of things. We’ve made some adjustments.

And now we have a much more honed program that comes out every month. And we want to share with you some of the journey and how it works.

Kate | 1:53

Yeah. Yeah. So I think, Julie, the first question that I think will be really helpful is before Breeder Copy Hub, there was Make-Your-Own-Chili Social Media, which you actually came up with before I was part of the team.

Julie | 2:08

Yeah, it was one of our original MasterClasses. So I had a lot of breeders coming to me saying, ok, I know I need social media, but I don’t know where to start. That was always the conversation in free strategy calls talking with breeders.

And it’s been a pain point for myself. And so I got thinking, ok, so what do we need? You know, you go online and like social media content planner.

And I just found so much of what they were teaching, just in the generic social media stuff, wasn’t very helpful for breeders. It didn’t give us a way to really show what’s different. And I think what’s unique about breeding is that we we don’t have a widget that’s repeatable.

Our dogs are unique. Every dog is unique. So we’re selling a very unique product and it’s unique every single time.

And it’s not simply a homemade pot either. It’s an animal with a personality, that needs the right home, not just a home. And then on top of it, there are options for breeders.

And so you need to make yourself stand out. And so I thought, well, our buyers need to trust us as breeders. They need to understand who we are.

They need to know why we’re different, why our dogs might be better. And they also need to have an understanding of what goes into dog breeding, so that they know what they’re getting, because so many buyers don’t really know what they’re looking for. You know, how many times you ask a buyer, “oh, what are you looking for in a dog?”

“Well, I would like one with patches here, and I would like this color, and I would like this.” And you’re like, oh, dear. They have no idea.

You know I’m looking for temperament, personality, lifestyle. And so it’s grooming people into that educational piece. And I think in social media, we want to create that.

We want to break down any barriers they have to getting a dog from us. We want them to know, like, and trust us. Right.

The golden standard. And then we want them to feel like they’ve made a good choice, and that they understand that this is a good fit for them. And we need that to sell the lifestyle of our dogs. At the same time, also repelling those people that will struggle, people who are like, “oh, yes, I would like one of your GSPs to live in an apartment and I’m gone 12 hours a day.”

I’m like, cool. You don’t really want a GSP. I mean, you could, but let’s talk about what that might look like for you.

You’ll probably want to go to therapy after that. So I came up with these nine categories in the MYOC MasterClass to go back to your question. Right.

So Make-Your-Own-Chili all started when I got this really great Betty Crocker cookbook and it had this page and it was like, you can make your own chili. And I was like, wow, and it says you need a meat, you need a bean, you need this spice mix or this. And it gave you a ton of options for each one.

So basically, whatever you had in your pantry, you could make chili and it would qualify as chili, because you had at least something in every category. And I was like, we could do this for social media. So we could have a category, which was like the theme for the post.

And then we could have other things. So you need a visual piece, you need the body content, you need all these other pieces. So I thought if I teach you all the pieces, you can assemble your own social media.

And that was great for some breeders. And for other, they were like, cool, that sounds like a lot of work, Julie. In fact, it is a lot of work.

And I don’t feel like I can make time for that much work. And I understand that. And so some conversations with breeders were like, this is great, but. . .

And this is where Breeder Copy Hub came. So we said, okay, can we take that formula? And can we give you templates?

And can we do it in such a way that you could manipulate those templates or adapt them to your program where it felt genuine? And realistic to your program, sold your dogs without compromising, without it feeling like a template, but making it quicker, it needed to be quicker. Because gosh, it’s just taking people forever.

Social media can be one of those things where you’re like, cool, I spent 20 hours on it, did nothing else this week. And it’s miserable. So I wanted to get that down to, you know, maybe two to four hours for breeders that, you know, maybe for a whole month, if you do it right.

Kate | 6:19

Yeah. And I think we had a lot of conversations leading up to the creation of Breeder Copy Hub. And we’ve had a lot of conversations since we created Breeder Copy Hub, looking at what have we created? Where are people still struggling?

How do we make it easier? What additional supports can we put in? What changes can we make, to make it more helpful?

And we’re so grateful to get feedback from breeders who have been using it, because both of us are writers. And so we love writing. And looking at some of the very early iterations of even Breeder Copy Hub, looking at going from the Make-Your-Own-Chili (MYOC), to Breeder Copy Hub in the beginning to where it is now, it really has been this progression of us saying, well, as writers, this comes naturally to us.

But now let’s put us into the shoes of somebody who struggles to write, or somebody who struggles to come up with creative ideas, or stories or examples of these things. And how do we make it easier for them to put something together that is unique and reflective of them, and their dogs, and their program?

Julie | 7:33

And it had to be easy, because as much as you and I love writing, which we’ve talked about, you know, many times, I think most breeders don’t. Like, I don’t find I meet many breeders are like, “I just love sitting down and writing things”, like doesn’t happen too often. In fact, we’re often really good with the dogs.

And then we have to figure out how to do this business side of it, which gets really kind of annoying when you have to do this. And so to ask somebody who doesn’t naturally love to write to get up and be creative, and write all these captions sounds painful. And people are like, “screw this”.

And so what I’ve seen happen in the past is a lot of breeders get to this place where they’re like, social media is exhausting. I know I need it. And so they hire it out, but then they hire it out without direction.

And so then you have this debacle where people get a company and they’re like, “Oh, yeah, we’ll help you sell your puppies.” And then it kind of falls apart. They’ll go back on their social media, they’ll go on their Instagram, and they’ll say, “Oh, well, these are the best posts that have performed for you.

So we should duplicate that.” And a lot of times they’re the cute puppy photos or those little cute puppy videos. But they’re always selling the cute puppy, or they’re selling this idealized version, without talking about some of the things that aren’t so great about puppies and dogs and maybe your breed. And so buyers are often unprepared.

I’ve worked with a couple of breeders who their social media marketing company, whoever they hired, has actually changed their ideal puppy buyer without knowing it. And they’ve been attracting people who aren’t good fits. And now they’ve got all this chaos and they’ll be like, my people have changed.

And they just kind of blame the world, but it’s not really the world, it’s the marketing company who did things that work in other businesses that don’t really work for breeders. And so my hope is for you guys, is that using Breeder Copy Hub can save you all this time, save you the money of hiring that company, make it simple, give you a plan, and allow you to get your social media content done. Even if you hire someone to schedule it, I know again, Kate, you know, me, I suck at getting things actually put online.

I can do all the other things. They just have to get online. And so this was a huge bottleneck for me.

It was like, I would write all the captions. I would have all the photos, but I never scheduled them. And then I would be jumping through hoops, trying to do it day by day.

And it was just a mess. So having someone to just put them on a scheduler is a great option. It saves you I think a lot of time and money, I guess for me, it would get it done.

So it checks that box. But you can do it in a much more cost effective way. Because scheduling posts is a whole lot different than creating and doing all of it.

And at the end of the day, you can’t forget that you have to still provide the pictures.

Kate | 10:23

Right, when you use Breeder Copy Hub to create your captions and gather your images, and then you’re handing it off to a VA, that’s a really different process than hiring a marketing firm who is creating content for you based on some images that you send over to them. Because you’re right, you are still, they’re not out there taking pictures of your dogs, you’re still having to get the images of the dogs.

Julie | 10:48

Exactly. I know, it doesn’t end up solving the work problem. So many breeders hire it out to get rid of this stress that’s bugging them, to have it done and check that box.

But it is such a complicated mess when they do that, that I’ve seen it time and time again, just eat finances and cause more stress and management problems.

Kate | 11:09

Yeah. So we’ve alluded to the fact that we’ve made some changes, we’ve talked about it a little bit. For people who have been with Breeder Copy Hub since the beginning, should we talk about some of the changes that have happened?

Julie | 11:24

And yeah, well, let’s start. Originally, it was just 25 captions, right? And five emails.

Kate | 11:31


Julie | 11:31

So we wanted to give you the outlines and the templates for that. And if you aren’t familiar, we do mad-libs style on all of our caption templates and our emails. So all the templates are mad-libs style.

And if you aren’t familiar with mad-libs, if you guys remember, it was like, add a noun, add a thing. And they had all these blank spots with ideas and so you’d fill it out. Now, obviously with Breeder Copy Hub, you know what you’re filling out.

It’s not like a surprise later, but it’s designed in a way that it helps you. Because of our workflow, which we’ll talk about in the MasterClass, I actually will write all the captions for my program with one of my two breeds. So you can see a full example of it.

And then Kate will show us how she goes in and does the mad-libs styling to show us other examples. And so, in there, there’s a lot of ideas to get your brain going, but also a lot of opportunity for customization. So it feels like you, it feels like your words, it feels like your breeding program and it works so that you are attracting the right buyers and repelling the wrong ones.

Kate | 12:31

Right. And for each caption, as well as having the sample from one of Julie’s breeds, and the mad-libs template that you can fill in, we also give suggestions for what you might want to use for your photo or your videos, different ways you might want to capture images of your dogs or your buyers, or the type of content you might want to include as the visual to go with the post.

So we really do try to offer – from start to finish – what you might want to put together, to put your social media posts together.

Julie | 13:08

Yeah.  And so the idea is that you don’t have to do the creative piece.

You can actually just get in there and do. You can just crank out your social media captions, and it should save you time and get you results. I find that the social media captions we’ve been writing, do tend to get more engagement than a lot of what the breeders had before.

Kate | 13:32

And I think part of that is that we’re really intentional when we create those captions. So when we create the captions, when we create the templates, we have a real intentionality behind it of what are the components that go into this, that make this caption a performing caption? How do we pair that with a graphic that helps make this perform even better?

And again, with all the room for you to customize it, but the structure for you to plug that customization into.

Julie | 14:05

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. It’s supposed to be that hybrid model to make your life easy.

Yeah. Save yourself money and time, please.

So originally we had the 25 captions. Now at the end of those captions, we do available puppy advertisements. So if you have a puppy leftover, we do create new ones of those every single month, as well as announcing a wait list that is open, announcing a new litter, and announcing a new breeding.

When you have a confirmed breeding.

Kate | 14:36


Julie | 14:36

So those are always in there.

You get a new version every month. And so you can save them and recycle them and change them up, they do work.

Kate | 14:44

Yeah. Yeah. And some of the changes that we’ve made along the way, when we started again, going back to the things that we’ve learned along the way, when we started the templates, the mad-libs suggestions were more vague.

They were, you know, prompts that were maybe like, “fill in something about the lifestyle your buyer gets with one of your dogs.”

Julie | 15:20


Kate | 15:21

And now they might be, as we’ve learned and adjusted, it might be something along the lines of “fill in something that will help your buyer understand this specific aspect of their life with one of your dogs.” And then we give an example that will say something like, “for example, with a greyhound, you have the perfect coworker companion who will spend the day sleeping under your desk, because even though we think they need a lot of exercise, they really only need 30 minutes of play or walk each day.” And so you now have a really concrete example to help you begin to put context to what to fill into that blank.

Julie | 16:15

Exactly. Exactly. And so it kind of gives you those ideas right there.

And I love it because when you’re writing them, you carry through your example. So it’s at the beginning and then it goes again and again and so you can kind of see how they build on each other. And you do a really nice job of that.

Kate | 16:30

Oh, thanks. Yeah. Yeah.

So each the the template, the example that is in the template that will help you fill in those mad-libs blanks, if you were to excerpt it, which you can do now, because we’ve introduced a color coding system. But if you were to excerpt it, you would actually be able to read it as a completed caption.

Julie | 16:53

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.

Which is great. I think it just really helps, I had some people in the beginning, before we had these more detailed examples, they were coming to me saying, ok, well, your dogs aren’t like my dogs. They’re not working dogs or they’re not this.

And so that was great feedback, which was helpful because a lot of times they do. I’m like, well, they hunt, you know, but that’s a job, and not all dogs have jobs, which arguably the majority of dogs are companions. And it’s hard to sell by saying, well, they’re companion dogs because it’s like, well, yeah, but what kind of companion, people don’t always have that articulated.

It does exist. You’ve just got to dial it in. So your examples are really, I think, really useful.

Kate | 17:37

Yeah, thanks. Yeah, we do try like you just said, we do try to create them for a wide variety of dogs, and a wide variety of breeds, and wide variety of breeding programs, so that my goal is that when you read through an edition of Breeder Copy Hub, at least one caption will sound pretty close to you or your dogs or your program. That you look at it and you’ll say, “oh, yeah, ok, I get how that one applies. And let me then take that and use it to fill in some of these other ones.”

Julie | 18:12

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I know I’m always learning things as I’m reading through your examples like, “oh, I didn’t know that about that breed.”

And I know you’re doing your due diligence on it. So that’s cool. There’s color coding, too.

You mentioned it. Can you explain a little bit how you do the color coordinating?

Kate | 18:29

Yeah. So each template, the mad-libs portion of it, the piece that doesn’t change. So the really generic text that remains the same from Julie’s sample, to your sample, to your caption, to somebody else’s caption, is going to stay fairly similar.

That stays in black text. Then we have a section that explains to you the type of content that you put in there. So it’s going back to the mad-libs example.

It will say the equivalent of now enter a noun here. In much more detail, but that’s what it’ll say. And then we have a darker blue, which is that example that I use, that would show you how somebody might fill it in for a hypothetical breeding program for their dogs.

And so when you look at that mad-libs template, you can identify, ok, this black text I don’t change, or occasionally, there may be, and we make these suggestions to make it your own. Maybe you never use contractions. So if we’ve used the word don’t in there,

you might change that to do not. So there may be minor changes like that, that you make, to make it really yours, to make it speak in your language. But that black text, you don’t really have to worry about.

That pretty much stays the same. The light blue text gives you your instructions, and then the dark blue text gives you your example. And you can just delete out all that blue text once you’ve customized it.

Julie | 20:10

Yeah, that’s perfect. I love it. It’s so easy.

Copy and paste. Yep.

Kate | 20:15

Yep. That’s the goal.  And then we also added in text message templates.

Julie | 20:23

Oh, that’s true. Yeah, we did add those in after a couple of months. And so one thing I noticed, time and time again, is a lot of times breeders get into this situation where, you know, somebody asks you a question and it’s like, ugh, how do you answer that?

Like one of those is like, “how do I know you’re not a scam?” I hear that one, that’s been more common in the last, I guess, two years, people asking. And it’s like, gosh, where do you start?

You know, how do I prove that these dogs exist? You know, do you want to do FaceTime? Do you want to do a video?

And so how do you respond to that? So there’s been these, you get them in text message a lot now. So I started, we created the text messages, I think it was your idea, to add in the text messages about how to how to respond to some of these things.

And so we give examples. And sometimes we’ll give a double example. So for example, you know, do you require spay and neuter?

And if you do, then we’ll give an example of how you might write that out. “Yes, we require it by this time, or such and such happens,” you know, or we could say, “Oh, no, we don’t. But we recommend. . . ” and you can kind of fill that out.

And so we give you those words. And so the idea here is to help breeders approach buyers, especially when they ask us stupid questions, that happens, right? Like, you’re like, ugh. But when they ask us those painful questions, how do we respond respectfully, professionally, and get the information across, and maintain that rapport with our clients, you know?

That’s what those text messages are, and I think they’re great. So we do three of those in every Breeder Copy Hub edition. And I have noticed that, if you don’t, like, I don’t expect you to keep these necessarily on your phone.

But I think just reading through them every month, it just spurs your ideas of options that will give you different ways to think of things. Like a lot of times, you know, breeders will talk to me and they have unique situations. And I’m like, “Oh, how would I handle that?”

Okay. And then we’ll discuss some ideas. I do find it really a good challenge for your brain to think about how you would answer those questions.

Kate | 22:32

Yeah, that’s great. And we call them social media captions. And we call these text message templates.

And we’ll get into, we have email templates that we call email templates. And we create them with that intent in mind. But, this is copy, you’re creating copy.

And so those text message templates could just as easily become part of your FAQ page on your website.

Julie | 23:02

Yeah, it’s very true. Yeah, that’s a very good point. Yeah, there’s a lot of ways to reuse the content that’s in here.

And what you guys might find, which I know a lot of you are like, we did that survey this year, and a great chunk of you said this year, you want to work on your email newsletter, which I applaud you, I think that’s going to be such a solution for you. But you’re like, “great, I’m going to do it, I don’t know where to start,” right. So we have those templates for you.

We have a new five of them in every edition. And what I love about that is, I don’t expect you to send five emails to your list a month. In fact, I recommend you probably don’t, it’s kind of annoying, people don’t want to hear about dog breeder stuff every single week, just every couple weeks, maybe once a month, keep it easy.

But what you’ll realize is that they’re sort of like 50% more than a regular social media caption. They’re not terribly much more involved than writing that. And so all these people have their social media going on, but they haven’t been sending their email newsletter, I want you to know it’s really, it’s only slightly more work than one caption.

And you only have to do it twice a month, like it’s great. Even once a month is adequate. So anyway, yeah.

Kate | 24:14

And again, you get the templates that are mad-libs style, that have all the information to help you fill them in. So we really do try to make it easy. And with the email templates, just like with the social media captions coming from all of the Make-Your-Own-Chili categories, the email templates, we pick different topics for the emails.

And some of those remain consistent every month, every edition, you’ll get available dog or available puppy emails, because we know that’s something that regularly happens, that you have dogs that you want to email your list about. But the then we’ll have things on health and training topics, managing dogs, enrichment, seasonal activities, all kinds of things to add value when you send out emails to your list. And again, like you said, Julie, like you’re picking and choosing which one makes the most sense this month, which one makes the most sense for my program for my dogs.

You have a lot of things to choose from.

Julie | 25:25

Yeah, because I think a big thing that we want to do is, I know you can segregate your lists to new buyers, you know, potential buyers, and past buyers, and you want to sort of cater to them. But I do think the sweet spot which is actually simpler in doing it, because it’s only one email, but just keeping those in mind. And they’re only slightly different, right?

So my previous buyers, what do they have that’s really beneficial? They already have one of my dogs, right? So they know what they’re like, they love them most of the time.

And if they know I have new puppies on the ground, and their friends love their dog, or they get a compliment on their dog at the dog park, they’ll be like, “oh, she just had a litter.” Like it keeps very, very much your program top of mind with your previous buyers, even if they’re not going to ever buy a dog from you again. They have that.

And so they can share that with people that would be a good fit. And they’ll also not say it to people they don’t think will do it. Like I actually I had one of my buyers.

She’s like, Julie, I was cornered in the elevator. And this guy really liked my dog. And he asked where I got him.

And I told him your name, because I didn’t know what to do. But I don’t think you should sell him a dog. And she like actually took the time to text me that.

And I thought that was the cutest thing in the world. So you know, your buyers are such a valuable resource of information and kind of advertising and marketing for you. So I want that email to be appealing to both.

So one of the things we don’t want to do is be like, hey, puppies available, puppies available, puppies available, because people are like, “Oh, my goodness, what is going on over there?” Instead, we’d rather say, “Hey, here’s what’s new at the ranch, here’s what’s going on,” and kind of keep a thread of information about you that’s relevant.

Like nobody cares that my kids got a new belt in jujitsu. I mean, I care. That’s cool.

But my buyers don’t really care. But if there’s a funny way to tie that into your dog breeding program, or “it’s a good thing they’d been carrying all the heavy water buckets. Now they’re stronger, and they’re doing better in jujitsu.”

Now we can tie it in. And so at least they follow me along, they watch the kids grow. You know, there’s a way to do this tactfully, that isn’t oversharing.

But it’s just sort of like, they’re on your journey with you. And I think that’s the sweet spot in the email newsletter. And it can be very much so in the content of your social media as well, especially when yourself or your family are in the videos or the pictures.

So I do love it.

Kate | 27:57

Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Okay, so one more piece of Breeder Copy Hub that we haven’t talked about yet.

Julie | 28:04

Your brainchild. This is your brainchild. I love this. We had we had this problem.

Right? As we develop MasterClasses. A lot of times, I don’t know all the MasterClasses I’m going to build in a year.

And that’s because I try to read the market, you know, when you guys are calling me, I’ll often get the same questions in coaching calls or strategy sessions over a course of a month or two. And I’m like, “Oh, wow, okay, this is something happening in the industry, we need to address it.” And that’s kind of how I dictate my content.

So I’m usually only working in 90 to 180 days out, I think. And so as we were going through this, we kept getting all these marketing, because you know, the end of 2023, marketing was getting crazy. And I, I do think it’s changed.

And it’s still very important right now. But we had all these tiny little snippets of like, well, this would go great somewhere, somewhere, somewhere. And so we had all these tiny little marketing things.

And they weren’t similar enough to really make it a course that you could take lesson by lesson, but they were too small to be their own MasterClass. And that’s when Kate was like – “Hey Julie. . .”

Kate | 29:11

What if we just put one of these in each edition of Breeder Copy Hub? And so now we have Marketing Maneuvers. And each month, we have a different Marketing Maneuver.

And the goal really is for it to be something that is actionable, that is bite sized, but that will really move the needle with your marketing, whether it’s making your marketing more effective, or it’s making it easier for you to do.

Julie | 29:46

Yeah, exactly. And they’re quick, you know, so a lot of times my MasterClasses will be this kind of big overview, like, “hey, let’s look at the big plan, how many dogs should be in your program, what you’re going to be managing,” all these big things. Whereas, in complete contrast, the Marketing Maneuvers are so deeply involved in the nitty gritty details. So do you want to share some of the ones that we have and just tell us a little bit about them.

Kate | 30:12

Yeah, absolutely. So we have some examples of past ones. We had one that was focused on places to put your email signups so that you could build your email list. And so it was, I forget how many we had.

I want to say it was like 10 or a dozen different places where you could share the link to sign up, or a QR code, or some way for people to sign up for your email list so that you could build your email list. Because it’s only so helpful to have an email list that you’re sending out, if you don’t have anybody that you’re sending it out to. And when we design the Marketing Maneuvers, we really keep in mind, these are going to dog breeders.

So the tips, the advice, the suggestions are all tailored with that in mind. And I think this goes back to when you originally conceived of MYOC, there’s a lot of advice out there for building an email list, or doing your marketing, or doing your social media, or optimizing it. But a lot of it seems to be based on content creators first, brick and mortar stores second.

And then we’ve got dog breeders who are this, not either of those. And dealing with these, as you said, unique, one-off dogs, every dog is unique, has its own personality, has its own mix of temperament and drive. And so getting the standard list of “here’s 10 ways to build your email list” that works for a content creator, isn’t really necessarily the right list for you as a dog breeder.

Julie | 32:15


Kate | 32:15

And so all the Marketing Maneuvers, when we design them, we design them with the intent of them being focused on how can a dog breeder utilize these tools and techniques. So we’ve got that. We’ve got a Marketing Maneuver on optimizing your social media profile.

Because it not only helps you get people into your social media so you can get found more easily, but also out of your social media, and to the places where you want to send them like your email list sign up, or your website. Because the goal of social media, we approach Breeder Copy Hub with the intent that your goal is to sell dogs and not become a social media influencer.

Julie | 33:05

Yes, exactly. And to break down where that is a little different. It’s I don’t really need you to have tens of thousands of followers.

I need you to have a handful of engaged people that really are interested in buying your dogs, or advocating for your breeding program. By sharing it with other people. I want you to sell dogs.

That’s the point. And find good homes for them, people that are going to take great care of your dogs, that are going to love their life with the dog they get from you, and that are going to want to pay your price. But that’s what I want social media to bring for you. I don’t really care how many followers you have.

I’ve seen very productive small accounts 200 followers, and they sell their dogs with it. And I’ve seen accounts that have hundreds of thousands or 10s of thousands even. And they’re not selling dogs through social media.

It’s really interesting. So to me, follower numbers mean nothing. It’s really just finding the right people.

And so this is designed to help weed those people out.

Kate | 34:10

Yep. We actually have a Marketing Maneuver that is all about editing your followers, that is helping you identify who is there for the right reasons, who is there because they actually are interested in buying your dogs, and who maybe is not helpful to have. And that Marketing Maneuver not only talks about the how to do this, how to identify these people and actually edit your followers. But also why it’s important to edit your list because, like you said, if we have a bunch of people following us on social media who don’t want to buy dogs, who want to look at cute pictures of puppies or sell us something.

They’re probably not going to engage with our content, really. They might, if they’re looking for cute puppy pictures, but they’re not going off of social media, they’re not clicking on your links in your bio, or joining your email list, or taking those next steps. And so when you have a bunch of followers who aren’t engaging with your content, then you have content that isn’t getting as much reach because the algorithm isn’t viewing it as quality content. So that Marketing Maneuver talks you through this whole process of why you want to do this, as well as how to edit your followers.

Most of our Marketing Maneuvers that have that more technical why behind them, we guide you through that process of the why, so that you can understand why it’s worth taking the time to do this.

Julie | 35:52

Yeah, exactly. And they’re still not, like they’re thorough, but I don’t think they’re overwhelming or long. Like most of them are two, three pages, four pages.

Kate | 36:01

Right. All the Marketing Maneuvers you can listen to as audio as well. So Amelia is great.

She is a member of our team who records the audio for all of our Marketing Maneuvers. And those end up being about, they’re about 15 to 20 minutes. They’re about the length of one of Julie’s podcasts.

Julie | 36:21

Pretty simple. So you can even just pop that in your ear too and listen to it. Because I had a girl the other day, she messaged me and she says, “Julie, you need longer podcasts.

It’s not enough time for me to clean.” So anyway, I thought that was funny. So I’ll be trying to get some more interviews going.

Kate | 36:41

So yeah, we have Marketing Maneuvers on getting and using reviews and testimonials.

Julie | 36:48

Yes, that was huge. Yep.

Kate | 36:51


Julie | 36:51

That was a great one. I loved your photography list.

Kate | 36:57


Julie | 36:58

How to prepare for a photo shoot so you can get all your images for social media ahead of time. Like, oh my goodness.

Kate | 37:03

Yeah that was a fun one. And that one guides you through batching your photography for your social media, or any other use that you have for it. But how to gather the images that you need to work with your social media captions using Breeder Copy Hub, and gives you tips on either taking those photos yourself, or if you’re going to hire somebody how to work with a professional to get the images that you need.

Julie | 37:33

Yeah, it was great. Because it tag teamed both. I know for me, I tried to get fancier with my photos and my buyers were like, what’s wrong with you?

Something’s going on. You know, like they thought something was broken. They didn’t care.

So then I went back to using my grungy, you know, smartphone photos and they seem to like that better. So it is very much what’s on brand for your, your business. But I have worked with some amazing breeders who have these just absolutely gorgeous photos and you know, that takes time.

I know that’s inputting a lot of effort. So this checklist gives you ideas, inspiration, and also gives you the list of what you need to do to check it off. So again, just trying to save you time.

That’s my whole goal guys. I really want to save you time, save you time, make you more money, make you happier about your dogs, you know, all these things always the goal.

Kate | 38:26

And the Marketing Maneuvers, we’ve done one for each edition. So I think we have now 14 of them out there.

Julie | 38:35


Kate | 38:36

And those are, if you are in the Dog Breeders Society, those are all there. You can access all of them at any time.

We have one place where those all live. And so you can pick and choose what feels the most useful for you right now.

Julie | 38:52

Exactly. And those are great when you’re like, I have time, but I don’t know what to work on. Grab a Marketing Maneuver and just go through it, and see how it can benefit you.

I love that.

Kate | 39:03

Yeah, because these are really, the goal with them is like 30 minutes to two hours. It might be something that is ongoing that you continue to return to. So we have things like building a brand voice word bank. Where you can gather up different phrases, different adjectives, a variety of words that resonate with your buyers about your dogs.

Julie | 39:31


Kate | 39:32

And that makes it even easier for you to fill in those mad-libs captions because you will have a list of things to pick and choose from. But that’s something that’s probably an ongoing thing that you will continue to add to.

But the basic creation of it will be, you know, a 30 minute to a couple of hours just sitting down with a cup of coffee or a cup of tea and brainstorming.

Julie | 39:56

Yeah, exactly. They’re like, take a notebook and go through them most of the time, which I love. And I find that they’re very impactful for the breeders who are using them.

They’re getting a lot of them, which is great.

Kate | 40:07


Julie | 40:08

Oh, so we should share with people how Breeder Copy Hub is delivered. Because a lot of people are like, “this sounds great, where is it, how is it delivered?”

Yeah. So we, we have a Google doc that gets sent out on the 20th of every month. Kate is in control of that.

So it does get done perfectly on time every month. She’s good. So everything gets released in a Google doc.

So you, you get access to it view only. You can make a copy into your own Google account and then you can edit from there. And so that’s where all the captions are.

The social media captions, the text message templates and then the templates for the emails. And then the Marketing Maneuvers, you want to share how you deliver those?

Kate | 40:52

Yeah. So those also go in the email as a pdf. You also get a pdf copy of that Google doc with all the captions in it as well in that email every month.

The Google doc expires at the end of the month. So you have a full month from the 20th to the next 20th to download that, make a copy of that Google doc. If you are a member of the Dog Breeders Society or subscribed to Breeder Copy Hub, during that month, you will have the pdf in your email that you can download at any point. If life gets really busy and something happens and you just don’t get to it, you’ll have that. Similarly the Marketing Maneuver pdf is in that email as well.

If you are a member of the Dog Breeders Society, you have access to all of the Marketing Maneuver pdfs in there, as well as the place where each month we add a link to the Google doc and the pdf for the captions. So you can also grab it from there as well, if your email went into a black hole somewhere.

Julie | 42:07

Yeah, so emails where most people access it from. So you get the email, and then for Dog Breeders Society members, you have access to all the Marketing Maneuvers. So you can go back into and look at all of them inside the Dog Breeders Society, which has been great.

Yeah, I think it’s been working good. We’re always taking feedback. If there’s more stuff you guys are looking for or anything else, but it is fun for us to do, and we enjoy putting it out there, and we are seeing a lot of breeders getting great results from it.

Kate | 42:36

It’s enjoyable to put together, and it really is something that it is because of feedback from breeders, because of what we’ve heard that they’re struggling with or they need help with or they love. So really and truly if there is something that you know, you’re using Breeder Copy Hub and you think “oh man, it would be great if,” drop a line, send an email to Julie.

Julie | 43:05

Yes, always. I always read all of them. I’m always not always the best at emailing you back because when I read it at like midnight, I don’t want to email you back at midnight, but I do read them all.

Yeah, it’s great. And so if people want to sign up, so we have two different ways to get Breeder Copy Hub. Of course, if you’re a Dog Breeders Society member, you get it.

So you’re going to get those individual emails every month. We’re going to have all that stuff in there. And then of course the backlog of Marketing Maneuvers.

And then you can also, if you decided maybe the investment of Dog Breeders Society feels like a lot right now, or you don’t have time for it, but you do want the captions. You can purchase Breeder Copy Hub separate. We have it for $29 a month.

And you can sign up and we’ll put that that link in there. But also you can get it at honestdogbreeder.com/breeder-copy-hub.

Kate | 43:54

You can if you need a refresher, you can learn more about it on that page.

Julie | 43:58

Yeah, there’s more details. You can see an example of some of the captions too. If you’re listening on the podcast and you’re like, oh crap, I can’t quite visualize this.

You’ll see an example there. So we show you one of our captions how it works. There’s also a bunch of checkboxes and other things to help you organize if you’ve used the caption, if it’s in draft mode, if it’s scheduled and so that’s all on the side as well.

But you can see that in the example very easily. All right. Well, thank you Kate the Magnificent.

You are so wonderful.

Kate | 44:28

Oh, thank you, Julie. This was fun.

Show Notes

Referenced Links
Get the Making Social Media Fast, Easy & Effective with Breeder Copy Hub MasterClass

Hey! I’m Julie Swan! I’m here to help you build a breeding business that you love, one that produces amazing dogs, places them in wonderful homes, gives you the life you want, also pays the bills!

Not Sure Where to Start?

Dog Breeding is a rewarding business, but it’s also dynamic. Getting started the right way in dog breeding is the key. I created a whole page on my site to help you get started and make a plan!

Want to Make Your Breeding Program Better?

Want to learn more about building your breeding business? Making more money, taking better care of your dogs, and stressing less over marketing? It’s all inside the Dog Breeder Society, an educational and supportive community for dog breeders.

Hate Social Media?

Social Media is consitently described as the biggest frustration point for dog breeders, more so than cleaning puppy poop! This is why we created Breeder Copy Hub, a monthly subscription that gives you social media & email captions fresh every month! Save time and get more engagement!